모형실험 및 수치 시뮬레이션을 이용한 쌍동형 준설선의 선형 설계에 관한 연구
To develope a hull form of catamaran type dredging vessel, resistance characteristics is investigated to find the interaction effect of waves between the two hulls. The fore body shape is simplified as two dimensional wedge shape for the maintenance and disassembly/assembly. Based on MAC method, numerical simulation is performed in staggered variable mesh system. The conservation form of Euler equations and continuity equation are applied as governing equations. To verify numerical methods, the wave patterns along the hull surface are compared with the results of model tests. This study is performed as varying wedge shape of the bow and the distance between the two hulls. The wave interactions between two hulls are observed to investigate the relation between the resistance performance and the flow characteristics. Suitable hull form and distance between two hulls are discussed.