Women, work, and computerization : understanding and overcoming bias in work and education : proceedings of the IFIP TC9/WG 9.1 Conference on Women, Work, and Computerization, Helsinki, Finland, 30 June-2 July 1991

Keynote Papers. Designing without Designers: More Hidden Skill in Office Computerization (A. Clement). Towards Participatory Design: The Head and the Heart Revisited (J. Greenbaum). Women's Place in Artificial Intelligence: Observations on Metaphors of Thought and Knowledge (S. Heinamaa). Computer-aided Manufacturing and Women's Employment: A Global Critique of Post-Fordism (S. Mitter). Aspects of Women's Research in Computer Science (H. Schelhowe, K. Vosseberg). Invisible Work and Silenced Dialogues in Knowledge Representation (S.L. Star). Improving the Quality of Women's Work. Working Group Report (G. Grote, R. Hermanussen, M. Oldfield, E. Poutsma, L. Ogrim). Technological Change and Gendered Division of Labour in the Light Electrotechnical Industry: Observations from a Finnish Study (T. Alasoini). Autonomy and Control: Women, Work and Computerization (A.G. Mackinnon). Labour Markets within Firms. Working Group Report (M. Lie, B. Rasmussen). Computerization, Human Resources Management and Redirection of Women's Skills (D.-G. Tremblay). The Social Office: Secretaries, Bosses and New Technology (J. Webster). Female Interests in the Design of Technology Supported Work Systems as Exemplified in the Bremen Administration (G. Winker). Division of Labour, and Computerization in Different Countries. Working Group Report (M.C. Alonso, C. Ng Cheen Sim). Gender and Restructuring of High Tech Multinational Corporations - New Twists to an Old Story (N. Goldstein). Working with Microcomputer Users in Developing Countries - Case from Tanzania, Micronesia and the Maldives (J. Holvikivi). Structural Factors which Condition the Computerization of Women's Labour in Spain (T. Rubio, T. Rojo). Women's Work and Challenges of Computerization - The Nigerian Case (B. Soriyan, B. Aina). Female Orientation in Systems Design. Working Group Report (K. Aardal, S. Friis). Developing Computerized Office Systems: A Gender Perspective in UK Approaches (E. Green, J. Owen, D. Pain). Gender Issues in the Design of Knowledge-Based Systems (C. Metselaar). Gender in Information Systems Development - A Women Office Workers' Standpoint (M. Vehvilainen). Training and Education. Working Group Report (S. Baines, M.R. Morales, K. Overdijk, M. Vehvilainen). Personal Computing, Gender and Distance Education (S. Baines). Women in Informatics at the Open University of the Netherlands (C.K.M. Crutzen, W.D.J. Vlas, G.J.M. Joosten). Developing a Computing Access Course for Women - A Course Tutor's Perspective (C.J. Eager). Technical Education: Study Choice and Coping with the Environment, A Similarity-Hypothesis (R. Hermanussen, K. Overdijk). Women in EDP Jobs. Working Group Report (M. Falck, E. van Oost, J. Owen, L. Steensma). Women and WIT (C. Beech). Positions of Women in Information Technology in the Netherlands Education, Job Characteristics and Proposals for an Equal Opportunity Policy (C. de Olde, A. van Doorne-Huiskes).