A Concept Vector Space Model for Semantic Kernels

Kernels are widely used in Natural Language Processing as similarity measures within inner-product based learning methods like the Support Vector Machine. The Vector Space Model (VSM) is extensively used for the spatial representation of the documents. However, it is purely a statistical representation. In this paper, we present a Concept Vector Space Model (CVSM) representation which uses linguistic prior knowledge to capture the meanings of the documents. We also propose a linear kernel and a latent kernel for this space. The linear kernel takes advantage of the linguistic concepts whereas the latent kernel combines statistical and linguistic concepts. Indeed, the latter kernel uses latent concepts extracted by the Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) in the CVSM. The kernels were evaluated on a text categorization task in the biomedical domain. The Ohsumed corpus, well known for being difficult to categorize, was used. The results have shown that the CVSM improves performance compared to the VSM.

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