Experimental A&PCT research and development efforts to characterize mixed-waste forms
Characterization of mixed wastes requires that the identity and strengths of intrinsic radioactive sources be determined accurately and that all hazardous materials be identified. We have a three-phased RD reports on the other two efforts are also published in these proceedings. Experimental data were acquired on a small-scale canister containing mock wastes and two passive sources (95-{mu}Ci {sup 133}Ba and 74-{mu}Ci {sup 228}Th) using a CT scanner built in-house. These data are used to investigate the use of (1) ACT to obtain images that represent cross-sectional attenuation maps of a wastecanister`s contents; (2) PCT to locate and determine the identity of any radioisotopic sources present; and (3) ACT data to correct the PCT data so that accurate source strengths can be determined. Multiple, monoenergetic ACT images, which yield effective atomic number data, were used to investigate whether hazardous materials could be identified by means of their effective atomic numbers.