On-line computational scheme for dynamic walking of anthropomorphic biped robots - II

A new and more effective online computational scheme for real-time control of dynamic walking of anthropomorphic biped robots is developed in this paper. The scheme includes two algorithms, one is the famous Luh-Walker-Paul's algorithm used for the single-foot supporting phase, and the other is called IDADFS algorithm-II which is developed in this paper and used for the double-feet supporting phase. In IDADFS algorithm-II, the authors not only give the recursive formulas for the kinematic and dynamic computations but also propose two criteria to examine the correctness of these computations. By use of the new online computational scheme, one can perform precise real-time control for the dynamic walking of anthropomorphic biped robots. It should be pointed out that the IDADFS algorithm-II can be also applied to the manipulators with an open kinematic chain so as to control this kind of manipulators in real time when they are used to execute closed-chain operations or multi-robots coordinative manipulations.