코치닐 천연염료와 키토산을 이용한 색조화장품의 안정성에 관한 연구
In this study, the shade cosmetics were fabricated using cochineal dye and Chitosan after investigating the suitable and antibiotic features of shade cosmetics materials through the analysis of dye extraction and antibiotic test on natural dyes. After testing the color development and safety of the eye shadow, the following results were obtained: The antibiotic effects of cochineal dye and Chitosan have been observed. In terms of safety, positive results were obtained. As a result, practical utility as natural shade cosmetics has been confirmed. In addition, it appears that the newly developed eye shadow is as adequate as a highlight or base color and commercially valuable with low saturation and gentle and soft color, compared to general cosmetics. If a pearl-added product were additionally developed, it would be able to become more popular. At present, basic cosmetics are only available in natural and organic makeup market. Now, it is time to develop and introduce a new product using the effective ingredients and pharmaceutical effects of indigenous natural dyes and introduce it to the shade cosmetics market. In addition, it is necessary to enhance a global competitiveness of domestic cosmetics industry by increasing an export of native cosmetics materials.