32 Channel × 40 Gb/s WDM optical communication system utilizing different configurations of hybrid fiber amplifier

In this paper, a simulation analysis of 40 Gb/s wavelength division multiplexing system of 32 channels is implemented through RZ modulation format by using a different hybrid fiber amplifier (HFA) configurations, namely, serial HFA, parallel HFA, and combined serial–parallel hybrid fiber amplifier (CSP-HFA). The performance of the proposed amplifiers is compared in terms of average gain level, average noise figure, flat gain bandwidth. In addition, quality factor, bit error rate, and eye diagram for the demonstrated 32 channel × 40 Gb/s wavelength division multiplexing optical communication system utilizing different configurations of the hybrid fiber amplifier is compared. The CSP-HFA shows better performance than serial and parallel hybrid amplifiers in terms of wider flat gain bandwidth, higher quality factor, lower bit error rate, and wider and clearer eye opening. Furthermore, CSP-HFA exhibits a flat gain bandwidth of 65 nm with an acceptable average gain of 16 dB and average noise figure of 7 dB.