Octree generation from object silhouettes in orthographic views

We propose a simple and efficient algorithm for reconstructing 3D objects from multiple sithouettes ofthe object, taken from arbitrary views. We classify the silhouette to lie in a face view, an edge view, or, otherwise, a general view. Our approach is based on maintaining a single octree, which is trimmed to fit the object as the sithouettes are being processed. We generate a locational table for each ofthe three views. These tables are fixed and are used by the algorithm to simp1iii processing. The algoiithm deals with the silhouettes one at a time. The image is recursively decomposed into regions until a region is either outside or inside the object. Regions outside the object are processed by deleting all corresponding nodes, using the tables, from the octree. To evaluate the perfonnance of our algorithm, we examine three criteria: time complexity, space complexity and generality. We examined each criterion both analytically and experimentally. Our algorithm has a superior time and space complexity. Also, our approach is general and is not limited to a specific set of views and is very accurate.