The Army's Future Combat System (FCS): Background and Issues for Congress. CRS Report for Congress
Abstract : The Future Combat System (FCS) is the U.S. Army's multi-year, multi-billion-dollar program at the heart of the Army's transformation efforts. It is to be the Army's major research, development, and acquisition program to consist of 18 manned and unmanned systems tied together by an extensive communications network. FCS is intended to replace such current systems as the M-1 Abrams tank and the M-2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle with advanced, networked combat systems. The FCS program has been characterized by the Army and others as a high-risk venture due to the advanced technologies involved as well as the challenge of networking all of the FCS subsystems together so that FCS-equipped units can function as intended. The FCS program exists in a dynamic national security environment which could significantly influence the program's progress. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, proposed and possible defense budget cuts, and the upcoming Quadrennial Defense Review will each likely play a role in shaping the FCS program. The revised FCS program timeline, including four "spirals" whereby equipment is to be tested first by a FCS evaluation brigade and then introduced into the current force, has extended the program's timeline by 4 years and has added additional funding requirements, but it has also served to reduce some of the risk associated with this admittedly high-risk venture. The FCS program is managed by a lead systems integrator group consisting of major defense contractors Boeing and Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). The program's use of an Other Transaction Authority (OTA) agreement in lieu of a more structured Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) contract has raised a number of concerns regarding program oversight and protecting the taxpayer's interests. Partly due to Congressional pressure, the Army recently decided to change from an OTA to a more traditional contract, although specific details at this point are few.
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