Arsenic Exposure and Calpain-10 Polymorphisms Impair the Function of Pancreatic Beta-Cells in Humans: A Pilot Study of Risk Factors for T2DM
A. J. Gandolfi | P. Ostrosky-Wegman | A. Díaz-Villaseñor | M. Hiriart | M. Cebrián | J. States | G. Garcia-vargas | W. Klimecki | S. Bassol | A. Cebrián | M. Sordo | R. Hernández-Ramírez | L. López-Carillo | L. Cruz | A. Gandolfi | Mariano E Cebriá | Andrea Díaz-Villaseñ Or | Arturo Cebriá | Raú | U. Herná Ndez-Ramírez | Gonzá Lo García-Vargas | Lizbeth Ló Pez-Carillo