This survey was held in 1997. One thousand sixty sites where asked to fill out a questionnaire. For each site, ten VDT workers where expected to respond to this survey. Responses were received from 414 sites (39% response rate). Altogether we received 4425 questionnaires, a 42% response rate. As results, in the young male group of workers, aged 20 to 39, long time workers in both periods (peak and standard) rated the highest amongst workers having a weak eye site (no glasses), less than 0.3 of visual acuity on both eyes. The complaint rate of eye fatigue rose according to the working hours. The complaint of neck and shoulder stiffness in male workers rose according to the peak season working hours. Mental stress symptoms such as insomnia, exhaustion or depressive mood rose according to the peak season working hours for male workers and according to standard working hours in the input type of female workers. From this survey we can conclude that in the importance of the peak season working hours should be stressed for health status of the workers.