Design and Fabrication of Millimeter-wave DC-contact Series MEMS SwitchHOU Zhihao1
The design of DC-contact series RF MEMS switch for millimeter-wave application is presented.To obtain high isolation in millimeter-wave band,the inand out-port of the switch is carefully designed.To obtain high contact stability,an improved-crab structure is used as the bridge structure.The measurement result show that the insertion losses are-0.3 dB@30 GHz,and the isolations are-20 dB@30 GHz.In a very wide frequency ranging from 20 GHz up to 40 GHz the insertion losses are less than-0.5 dB,and the isolations are better than-20 dB.The designed RF MEMS switch is suitable for the application of frequency range from 20 GHz to 40 GHz.