Urban Public Transport System's Reliability Estimation Using Microscopic Simulation

Urban Public Transport System's Reliability Estimation Using Microscopic Simulation In the article the procedure of the reliability measures estimation for one route of the public transport network on the basis of a traffic flow modelling is suggested. A definition of UPTS reliability is based on the analysis of the Travel Time Reliability, Arrival Time Reliability and Probability of arriving to the stops with delay no more than m minutes. The approach is applied to the real task of the reliability estimation for Riga city public transport route. The microscopic model of transport network fragment is used for it. Pilsetas sabiedriskã transporta sistemas uzticamĩbas novertešana, pielietojot mikroskopisku imitãciju Rakstã autori piedãvã uzticamĩbas pasãkumu novertešanas procedũru sabiedriskã transporta tĩkla vienam maršrutam, pamatojoties uz satiksmes plũsmas modelešanu. UPTS uzticamĩbas definĩcija ir balstĩta uz Travel Time Reliability /ceļošanas laika uzticamĩba/, Arrival Time Reliability /ierašanãs laika uzticamĩba/ un Probability of Arriving to the Stops /ierašanãs pieturvietãs varbũtĩba/ ar nokavešanos ne vairãk kã m minũtes analĩzi. Pieeja tiek pielietota reãlajam uzticamĩbas novertešanas uzdevumam Rĩgas pilsetas sabiedriskã transporta maršrutam. Tam tiek lietots transporta tĩkla fragmenta mikroskopiskais modelis.