We measured laser-induced-fluorescence (LIF) and beam-depletion (BD) spectra of rubidium atoms (5S-5P transition) on the surface of superfluid helium nanodroplets (M-He_{N} with M=Rb). It is known that when M is a lighter alkali atom electronic excitation always leads to detachment of the excited atom (M;{*}). The dissociation energy, few tens cm;{-1}, comes either as photon excess energy or from the barrierless formation of a M;{*}-He exciplex. We observe that this picture does not hold when M=Rb and the photon excess energy is small: we are able to excite atoms without detaching them from the droplet, thanks to a barrier preventing formation of the exciplex. This system is ideally suited for optical spin pumping in a He nanodroplet, whose achievement we explicitly demonstrate in a pump-probe magnetic circular dichroism experiment.
村井 友和,et al.
H. Haken and H. C. Wolf 著, W. D. Brewer 訳: Atomic and Quantum Physics; An Introduction to the Fundamentals of Experiment and Theory, Springer-Verlag, Berlin and New York, 1984, xiv+394ページ, 25×22cm, 8,880円.
Hermann Haken,et al.
Atomic and quantum physics