Comparison of Wire Antenna and Transmission Line Model for Transient Analysis of Grounding Electrodes
The paper deals with different methods for the transient impedance calculation of simple grounding systems. The approach based on the thin wire antenna theory, i.e. antenna model (AM) and transmission line model (TLM), respectively, is used in this work. The formulation based on wire antenna theory is posed in the frequency domain (The transient response obtained by means of the inverse Fourier transform), while the corresponding transmission line approach is related to the time domain. The integro-differential relationships arising from the wire anntena thoery are handled via Galerkin-Bubnov scheme of Indirect Boundary Element Method (GB-IBEM) while the time domain transmission line equations are treated using the Time Domain Finite Element Method (TD-FEM). A number of illustrative numerical results is presented in the paper.