3-D landscape modeling for remote sensing

Scene model is one of key components of remote sensing physical models. We introduce a computer scene model (CSM). And the CSM includes the parameterization of three dimensional landscape scene of a remote sensing pixel, data structure of the scene, methods and procedures for rendering the scene. In the CSM, generation of 3D architecturally realistic scene of a remote sensing pixel is based on vegetation measurement and statistics. Structure and biophysical parameters of plant firstly are measured by hand and by digital photogrammetry on field. Then the original data are normalized to obtain the feature parameter set of plant, which is used to rebuild single plant in computer. Position of these plants in a pixel falls four interspersing patterns: random, regular, cluster, and transition. The CSM employs two methods to make 3D graphics of a remote sensing pixel. The first rendering approach is based on the L system, which is applicable to plant with small number of big leaf, such as corn. The second one depends on statistics, which is applicable to plant with big number of small leaf, such as tree and grass. The 3D remote sensing pixel scene is used not only to show 3D pictures, but also to compute distribution function of energy by reflected or emitted by the remote sensing pixel. CMS records all polygons, which make up of the 3D scene, in a text file on an array of polygon to provide the scene for next computations.