Domain Decomposition Method for Elasto-Plastic Problem

Abstract This paper describes a domain decomposition method of parallel finite element analysis for elasto-plastic structural problems. As a parallel numeral algorithm for the finite element analysis, the authors have utilized the domain decomposition method combined with an iterative solver such as the conjugate gradient method. Here the domain decomposition method algorithm was applied directly to elasto-plastic problem. The present system was successfully applied to three-dimensional elasto-plastic structural problems.요 약 본 논문은 탄소성 구조해석을 위한 병렬유한요소해석에 필요한 영역분할법에 대해 제시하고 있다 . 유한요소해석을 위한 알고리즘으로서 CG방법과 결합한 영역분할법을 이용하였다. 적용된 영역분할법은 탄소성문제를 해석하는데 직접적으로 사용되어 지며 효용성 검토를 위해 3차원 탄소성 구조문제에 적용하여 해석해 본 결과 높은 병렬효과를 발휘함을 알 수 있었다. Key Words : Finite Element Analysis, Domain Decomposition Method, Elasto-Plastic Analysis * Corresponding Author : Joon-Seong Lee( June 01, 2011 Revised (1st July 05, 2011 2nd July 12, 2011) Accepted August 11, 2011 1. Introduction