Worldwide, significant research efforts are in progress towards the development of scra mjet engine s. These efforts are primarily focused on the integration of the scramjet to either ‘a blended body ’ or ‘ a waverider derived ’ hypersonic vehicle configurations; one of which may become the candidate for the fir st access to space air vehicle. The design of the scramjet is a complicated process due to many technical constraints, such as, aero thermo dynamic s, material s and mechanical . Examples of aerodynamic constraints include inlet -unstarts , mass capture, isolator characteristics, boundary layer se paration , and constraints on combustor entrance flow profiles and operating temperatures. Examples of mechanical constraints include variable geometry flexibility and cooling system limits. All in all, the design of the scramjet is influenced greatly by it s flight constraints. If the flight conditions were fixed , then the scramjet design problem bec ame deterministic . As such, with a few assumptions, the engine configuration that will pr oduce minimum drag and maximum thrust may be determined direct ly. Howeve r, the design problem under consideration for many practical applications requires extensive variabilit y in altitude and Mach number , and as such , its solution can only be obtained through an optimization process. Additionally, this analysis assumed that t he scramjet powered vehicle or missile is launched with an external propulsion source to some ‘ pre -determined’ Mach number and altitude. At that point, the scramjet engine is started and propels the system until freestream flight conditions once again prec lude further operation of the engine. The research efforts described in this paper focused on the design of an optimized scramjet configurations that are decouple for the hypersonic vehicle. Efforts are focused on the derivation of efficient compression fo rebodies, isolators, combustion chambers, and nozzle after -bodies and their integration into optimized scramjet configurations .
F. Billig.
Research on supersonic combustion
D. Capriotti,et al.
Viscous optimized hypersonic waveriders
Isaiah M. Blankson,et al.
The Development of Waveriders from an Axisymmetric Flowfield
F. Billig,et al.
Prediction of Precombustion Wall Pressure Distributions in Scramjet Engines
Kyle Charles Markell,et al.
Exergy Methods for the Generic Analysis and Optimization of Hypersonic Vehicle Concepts
William H. Heiser,et al.
Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion
Tang Shuo,et al.
Airframe/Scramjet Integrated Design of Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle ++