It makes sense, so I see it better! Contextual information about the visual environment increases its perceived sharpness.

Predictive coding theories of visual perception postulate that expectations based on prior knowledge modulate the processing of information by sharpening the representation of expected features of a stimulus in visual cortex but few studies directly investigated whether expectations qualitatively affect perception. Our study investigated the influence of expectations based on prior experience and contextual information on the perceived sharpness of objects and scenes. In Experiments 1 and 2, we used a perceptual matching task. Participants saw two blurred images depicting the same object or scene and had to adjust the blur level of the right image to match the blur level of the left one. We manipulated the availability of relevant information to form expectations about the image's content: one of the two images contained predictable information while the other one unpredictable. At an equal level of blur, predictable objects and scenes were perceived as sharper than unpredictable ones. Experiment 3 involving explicit sharpness judgments confirmed these results. Our findings support the sharpening account of predictive coding theories by showing that expectations increase the perceived sharpness of the visual signal. Expectations about the visual environment help us understand it more easily, but also makes us perceive it better. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved).

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