Gesture and Sign Language in Human-Computer Interaction

Research challenges in gesture: Open issues and unsolved problems.- Progress in sign language recognition.- Movement phases in signs and co-speech gestures, and their transcription by human coders.- Classifying two dimensional gestures in interactive systems.- Are listeners paying attention to the hand gestures of an anthropomorphic agent? an evaluation using a gaze tracking method.- Gesture-Based and haptic interaction for human skill acquisition.- High performance real-time gesture recognition using Hidden Markov Models.- Velocity profile based recognition of dynamic gestures with discrete Hidden Markov Models.- Video-based sign language recognition using Hidden Markov Models.- Corpus of 3D natural movements and sign language primitives of movement.- On the use of context and a priori knowledge in motion analysis for visual gesture recognition.- Automatic estimation of body regions from video images.- Rendering gestures as line drawings.- Investigating the role of redundancy in multimodal input systems.- Gesture recognition of the upper limbs - From signal to symbol.- Exploiting distant pointing gestures for object selection in a virtual environment.- An intuitive two-handed gestural interface for computer supported product design.- Detection of fingertips in human hand movement sequences.- Neural architecture for gesture-based human-machine-interaction.- Robotic gesture recognition.- Image based recognition of gaze direction using adaptive methods.- Towards a dialogue system based on recognition and synthesis of Japanese sign language.- The recognition algorithm with non-contact for Japanese sign language using morphological analysis.- Special topics of gesture recognition applied in intelligent home environments.- BUILD-IT: An intuitive design tool based on direct object manipulation.