0.374 Pflop/s trillion-particle kinetic modeling of laser plasma interaction on roadrunner

We demonstrate the outstanding performance and scalability of the VPIC kinetic plasma modeling code on the heterogeneous IBM Roadrunner supercomputer at Los Alamos National Laboratory. VPIC is a three-dimensional, relativistic, electromagnetic, particle-in-cell (PIC) code that self-consistently evolves a kinetic plasma. VPIC simulations of laser plasma interaction were conducted at unprecedented fidelity and scale-up to 1.0 times 1012 particles on as many as 136 times 106 voxels-to model accurately the particle trapping physics occurring within a laser-driven hohlraum in an inertial confinement fusion experiment. During a parameter study of laser reflectivity as a function of laser intensity under experimentally realizable hohlraum conditions, we measured sustained performance exceeding 0.374 Pflop/s (s.p.) with the inner loop itself achieving 0.488 Pflop/s (s.p.). Given the increasing importance of data motion limitations, it is notable that this was measured in a PIC calculation-a technique that typically requires more data motion per computation than other techniques (such as dense matrix calculations, molecular dynamics N-body calculations and Monte-Carlo calculations) often used to demonstrate supercomputer performance. This capability opens up the exciting possibility of using VPIC to model, from first-principles, an issue critical to the success of the multi-billion dollar DOE/NNSA National Ignition Facility.

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