Industry 4.0: From SMART Factory to SMART Hospital
The first three industrial revolutions are the result of the introduction of machinery, electricity and information technology. The introduction of the Internet 'items and services' in the production runs fourth industrial revolution: Industry 4.0. Last Industry 4.0 is a strategic approach to linking systems based on Internet technology to establish communication between machines, people, products and business systems. The main objectives are to create a smart company, digitized industry and production processes in order to increase the overall quality, reduce production and business costs and increase production flexibility and efficiency. The paper raises the hypothesis that due to its universal principles Industry 4.0 can be successfully applied outside production and in health, administration, education system and other types of services. Industry 4.0 and digitalization of business are opportunities for Croatian industry and society as a whole to rapidly began replacing the existing system Industry 2.0 and Industry 3.0 with cyber-physical systems of Industry 4.0.