아파트 개조 전후의 휘발성유기화합물 농도변화 실태

The purposes of this study were to make clear the present condition of the TVOC and HCHO concentration after renovation in apartment houses. The field measurements of TVOC and HCHO concentration according to the Korea Test Method Standard for Indoor Air Quality were carried out in 4 subject apartment houses. The results are as follows; the TVOC concentration after renovation in apartment houses ranged from mean 0.35ppm to mean 5.08ppm and increased of . The TVOC concentration of 3 subjects exceeded the Indoor Air Quality Management standard for the newly-built apartment houses (0.58ppm). The HCHO concentration after renovation ranged from mean 0.13ppm to mean 0.43ppm and increased of . The HCHO concentration of 2 subjects exceeded the Standard (0.17ppm). As results of analysis on the relation of concentrated ascension and renovation elements, the amount and the types of finishing materials and adhesives affected concentrated ascension. Also, production method for installed or purchased furniture had certain effect on the TVOC and HCHO concentration ascension.