Bicycle crashes in South Australia

Characteristics of pedal cycle crashes (as reported to the police) in South Australia, and how they have changed over the period 1981-2004, are examined, with analysis of both the frequency and the severity of these crashes in different circumstances. In 1981, pedal cyclist casualties were mostly children and teenagers. In 2004, pedal cyclist casualties were mostly spread across the age range from 16 to 49. Child pedal cyclist casualties reached a maximum in 1982-1987, and have fallen sharply since. Adult pedal cyclist casualties reached a maximum in 1987-1990, and then fell. A more detailed examination is made of the situation in the period 2001-2004. Data are given on several aspects of both child and adult casualties: time, place, site, events, the cyclist, and the motor vehicle and its driver. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E217612.