Abstract A short review of the theories of crystal growth of perfect and imperfect planeS is given. Experimental evidence of two-dimensional nucleation mechanism of growth of perfect crystal planes is provided for the first time and some crystallographic parameters of this process are determined. A quantitative verification of Frank's theory is given by investigating the growth phenomena on nearly perfect planes. The effect of screw dislocations on crystal growth is studied and some phenomena concerning the influence of surface active impurities on crystal growth and dissolution are reported. The theory of heterogeneous phase formation is briefly discussed and an experimental verification of the basic relation following this theory is given. The effect of the crystallographic structure upon nucleation is closely studied. A method permitting the determination of the activity distribution curve of nucleation sites on the basis of their critical supersaturation is also given.
E. Budewski,et al.
Keimbildungserscheinungen an versetzungsfreien (100)-flächen von silbereinkristallen☆
E. Budewski,et al.
Zweidimensionale Keimbildung und Ausbreitung von monoatomaren Schichten an versetzungsfreien (100)-Flächen von Silbereinkristallen
R. Kaischew,et al.
Uber die elektrolytische keimbildung des quecksilbers
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Morphologische Beobachtungen und Polarisationserscheinungen bei der elektrolytischen Kristallisation des Silbers an (111)-Silbereinkristallflächen
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On the activity of platinum electrodes during the process of electrolytic nucleation—I☆
E. Budewski,et al.
Galvanostatische einschaltkurven an einkristallelektroden
F. C. Frank,et al.
The influence of dislocations on crystal growth