Modeling and Simulation of converter Systems Part II: Simulation package TCAD
The methods, models and techniques — presented in the companion paper — have been used as a basis for the evaluation of popular general-purpose electrical circuit simulation programs, in particular, their applicability in the analysis of power electronic circuits. As a result of this critical evaluation, the general requirements for the simulation program adequate for converter systems studies and design have been formulated. On this basis the algorithm of TCAD — a general-purpose converter system simulation program — has been elaborated. In presentation of the TCAD program three parties have been distinguished: the first one emphasizes the applications of modern simulation methods for converter systems, the second describes briefly the features of the main modules of the TCAD package, and the third presents some simulation examples of practical converter systems. Three simulation examples are presented: two resonant converters and an induction motor drive fed by a full-bridge voltage source PWM inverter at normal and fault operation conditions. A good agreement between simulation and experimental results has proved that this simulation package is a power tool for research, teaching and engineering practice.