Handbook of Bioenergy Crops: A Complete Reference to Species, Development and Applications
Part 1: Fuel and Feed the World 1. Global Energy Production, Consumption and Potentials of Biomass 2. Bioenergy Crops versus Food Crops 3. Transportation Biofuels 4. Primary Biomass Productivity, Current Yield Potentials, Water and Land Availability 5. Harvesting, Logistic and Delivery of Biomass 6. Technical Overview: Feedstocks, Types of Biofuels and Conversion Technologies 7. Environmental Impact 8. Economic and Social Dimensions 9. Integrated Bionergy Farms and Rural Settlements Part 2: Energy Crops Guide 10. Energy Crops Guide Part 3 11. Ethanol Crops 12. Oil Crops 13. Biogas from Crops 14. Hydrogen and Methanol Crops 15. Underutilized and Unexploited Crops. Appendices