Robotics is moving towards real world applications, beyond the well-structured environment of industrial robotics. In the world of assistant robots and medical robots, Human-Robot Interaction is essential. Also in emerging industrial scenarios there is a need of the human to be closely included in the loop. The companies are confronted with the lack of guidelines and of standards on how the higher features of HRI may be safely incorporated. Although the scientific research is burgeoning and worthy of praise, it is clear that its results are scattered and not capable of giving a clear input to be easily taken up by companies and standardization organizations like ISO and IEC. The workshop aims at the integration of empirical findings into complex real world robot systems by focusing on three typical sectors (industrial, service and medical) to develop systematic approaches to benchmark and evaluate experimental systems so that normative results can be realized rapidly. The present workshop focuses on bringing together scientists, representative of robotics companies and of standardization working groups to foster discussion in the definition of experimental scenarios and protocols in HRI, so to be able to prime real world set-ups and help realize the robotic products of the future.