User-Centric Cloud RAN: An Analytical Framework for Optimizing Area Spectral and Energy Efficiency

In this article, we develop a statistical framework to quantify the area spectral efficiency (ASE) and the energy efficiency (EE) performance of a user-centric cloud based radio access network (UC-RAN) downlink. We propose a user-centric remote radio head (RRH) clustering mechanism, which: 1) provides significant improvement in the received signal-to-interference-ratio through selection diversity; 2) enables efficient interference protection by inducing repulsion among scheduled user-centric RRH clusters; and 3) can self-organize the cluster radius to deal with spatio–temporal variations in user densities. It is shown that under the proposed user-centric clustering mechanism, the ASE (bits/s/Hz/m2) maximizes at an optimal cluster size. It is observed that this cluster size is sensitive to changes in both RRH and user densities and, hence, must be adapted with variations in these parameters. Next, we formulate the cost paid for the UC-RAN capacity gains in terms of power consumption, which is then translated into the EE (bits/s/Joule) of the UC-RAN. It is observed that the cluster radius which maximizes the EE of the UC-RAN is relatively larger as compared with that which yields maximum ASE. Consequently, we notice that the tradeoff between the ASE and the EE of UC-RAN manifests itself in terms of cluster radius selection. Such tradeoff can be exploited by leveraging a simple two player cooperative game. Numerical results show that the optimal cluster radius obtained from the Nash bargaining solution of the modeled bargaining problem may be adjusted through an exponential weightage parameter that offers a mechanism to utilize the inherent ASE-EE tradeoff in a UC-RAN. Furthermore, in comparison with existing state-of-the-art non user-centric network models, our proposed scheme, by virtue of selective RRH activation and non overlapping user-centric RRH clusters, offers higher and adjustable system ASE and EE, particularly in dense deployment scenarios.

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