Jensen-renyi divergence measure: theoretical and computational perspectives

We analyze the theoretical properties of the Jensen-RBnyi divergence, and we discuss its appli- cation to parametric classification. Numerical results on medical images show the the potential of the pro- posed divergence measure in image registration. I. THEORETICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS Definition 1 Let p,,p,, . . . ,p, be n probabzlzty dzstrzbutzons of X and w = (w1, w2,. . . ,wn) be a wezght vector such that C:=lwz = 1 and wz 2 0. The Jensen-Rknyi dzvergence zs defined as n JRf(p,, . . . ,pn) =-Re (CWiPi) - xwzRe(Pi)> i=l i=l

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