Full length article Optimization design of foundation excavation for Xiluodu super-higharch dam in China

With better understanding of the quality and physico-mechanical properties of rocks of dam foundation,and the physico-mechanical properties and structure design of arch dam in association with the foundationexcavation of Xiluodu arch dam, the excavation optimization design was proposed for thefoundation surface on the basis of feasibility study. Common analysis and numerical analysis resultsdemonstrated the feasibility of using the weakly weathered rocks III1 and III2 as the foundation surface ofsuper-high arch dam. In view of changes in the geological conditions at the dam foundation along theriverbed direction, the design of extending foundation surface excavation area and using consolidatinggrouting and optimizing structure of dam bottom was introduced, allowing for harmonization of the archdam and foundation. Three-dimensional (3D) geomechanics model test and finite element analysis resultsindicated that the dam body and foundation have good overload stability and high bearing capacity.The monitoring data showed that the behaviors of dam and foundation correspond with the designedpatterns in the construction period and the initial operation period.2015 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Production and hosting byElsevier B.V. All rights reserved.