Branch Profiles and Working Conditions: Secondary Analyses on the Third European Survey

The aim was to perform a secondary analysis on the surveys produced by the European Foundation in representative samples of workers in the member states of the European Union in order to: 1. identify branch (industry sector) profiles in working conditions. The most recent ‘Third European Survey’ (2000) provides the possibility for a breakdown at NACE-2-digit level, thus enabling a reasonably detailed branch analysis at EU level. For some branches, groupings will have to be made. 2. present the development of working conditions within and amongst branches, using the previous European Surveys. Additional groupings probably have to be made, and 3. compare the Survey results on branch level with other data sources (e.g. national surveys, Labour Force Surveys, etc.). This information could guide the discussions by politicians with regard to the prioritisation of efforts to enhance working conditions and herewith help employees particularly in specific branches at risk. It may also guide discussions regarding the prioritisation of risk factors in order to maximise the benefits of actions.