Detecting posture changes of athletes in sports is an important task in teaching and training competitions, but its detection remains challenging due to the diversity and complexity of sports postures. This paper introduces a single-stage pose estimation algorithm named yolov8-sp. This algorithm enhances the original yolov8 architecture by incorporating the concept of multi-dimensional feature fusion and the attention mechanism for automatically capturing feature importance. Furthermore, in this paper, angle extraction is conducted for three crucial motion joints in the motion scene, with polynomial corrections applied across successive frames. In comparison with the baseline yolov8, the improved model significantly outperforms it in AP50 (average precision) aspects. Specifically, the model’s performance improves from 84.5 AP to 87.1 AP, and the performance of AP50–95, APM, and APL aspects also shows varying degrees of improvement; the joint angle detection accuracy under different sports scenarios is tested, and the overall accuracy is improved from 73.2% to 89.0%, which proves the feasibility of the method for posture estimation of the human body in sports and provides a reliable tool for the analysis of athletes’ joint angles.
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Human Action Recognition Based on Skeleton Information and Multi-Feature Fusion
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Real-Time Pose Estimation Based on ResNet-50 for Rapid Safety Prevention and Accident Detection for Field Workers
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DetPoseNet: Improving Multi-Person Pose Estimation via Coarse-Pose Filtering
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.
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Robust Pose Estimation in Crowded Scenes with Direct Pose-Level Inference
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Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners