Water as a Resource

Aquatic Chemistry.By Werner Stumm and James J. Morgan. Pp. xv + 583. (Wiley Interscience: New York, 1970.) $24.95.Water and Water Pollution Handbook.Edited by Leonard L. Ciaccio. Vol. 1: Pp. xvi + 449. Vol. 2: Pp. ix + 349. (Marcel Dekker: New York, 1971.) $27.50 each vol.Principles of Water Quality Control.By T. H. Y. Tebbutt. Pp. ix + 179. (Pergamon Press: Oxford, 1971.) £2 cloth; £1.50 paper.Biology and Water Pollution Control.By Charles E. Warren. Pp. xvi + 434. (Saunders: Philadelphia, 1971.) $11.00.