Vesicle migration and spatial organization driven by flow line curvature.

Cross-streamline migration of deformable entities is essential in many problems such as industrial particulate flows, DNA sorting, and blood rheology. Using two-dimensional numerical experiments, we have discovered that vesicles suspended in a flow with curved flow lines migrate towards regions of high flowline curvature, which are regions of high shear rates. The migration velocity of a vesicle is found to be a universal function of the normal stress difference and the flow curvature. This finding quantitatively demonstrates a direct coupling between a microscopic quantity (migration) and a macroscopic one (normal stress difference). Furthermore, simulations with multiple vesicles revealed a self-organization, which corresponds to segregation, in a rim closer to the inner cylinder, resulting from a subtle interaction among vesicles. Such segregation effects could have a significant impact on the rheology of vesicle flows.