복합차수층 조성기술을 이용한 폐기물매립지 바닥차수층 시공사례

Modern waste management units, so-called "landfills" protect human health and environment from hazardous leachate and gas. Accordingly, it must be constructed with a bottom liner system that includes a gas collection layer. Leachate is the contaminated liquid that drains from the waste material pollutes ground water. For this reason. bottom liner system must have durability and low hydraulic conductivity (in case of compacted clay liner, no more than 1 × 10?? ㎝/sec). P county in Kangwon province constructed a solid waste landfill with bottom liner system. In this study. it is mainly introduced that the test results on construction and quality control of bottom liner system by 『Multiple composite liner construction technology』, which is selected for bottom liner system in P solid waste landfill.