Techniques for Electric Energy Auditing in Education System

Present education system is concentrating in imparting the quality education to the student community with the help of various electric and electronic equipment like computer, Internet facility, audio visual classrooms, video conferencing facility, LCD Projectors, wi-fi facility etc. In this regard the uses of the various electric and electronic equipment in the teaching field should be optimized and students should be trained in optimal utilization of the same. Continuous use of the above mentioned equipment in the education system need the routine auditing activity to keep the facilities in good condition. The routine auditing activity helps in optimal usage of the equipment, diagnosis of the electrical leakage and maintenance of the equipment. This routine auditing activity helps in minimum usage of the power, avoiding the unnecessary waste. The result of the routine auditing and optimal utilization improves the performance of the devices. The life span of the devices will be improved due to this regular auditing activity which results in reduction of the maintenance cost for the institution. This paper contains the techniques suggested for auditing activity in an education system taking Srinivas Institute of Management Studies as an example. The paper contains the study on the electricity distribution system in the education institutions, the various electrical and electronic devices used in the institutions with the individual power consumption, and need for auditing. The paper contains the charts showing the consumption of electricity with respect to time at Srinivas Institute of Management Studies. This paper also contains some suggestions to be implemented where green technology can also be used where ever possible and the methods to minimize the wastage in the system.