Performance-Aware Fair Scheduling: Exploiting Demand Elasticity of Data Analytics Jobs

Efficient resource management is of paramount importance in today's production clusters. In this paper, we identify the demand elasticity of data-parallel jobs. Demand elasticity allows jobs to run with a significantly less amount of resources than they ideally need, at the expense of only a modest performance penalty. Our EC2 experiment using popular Spark benchmark suites confirms that running a job using 50% of demanded slots is sufficient to achieve at least 75% of the ideal performance. We show that such an elasticity is an intrinsic property of data-parallel jobs and can be exploited to speed up average job completion. In this regard, we propose Performance-Aware Fair (PAF) scheduler to identify the demand elasticity and use it to improve the average job performance, while still attaining near-optimal isolation guarantee close to fair sharing. PAF starts with a fair allocation and iteratively adjusts it by transferring resources from one job to another, improving the performance of resource-taker without penalizing resource-giver by a noticeable amount. We implemented PAF in Spark and evaluated its effectiveness through both EC2 experiments and large-scale simulations. Evaluation results show that compared with fair allocation, PAF improves the average job performance by 13%, while penalizing resource-givers by no more than 1%.

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