Continuous Touchscreen Mobile Authentication Using Several Gestures

Recently mobile use is general to everyone, now a day’s mobile is one of the basic needs of human being. Currently Touchscreen handheld devices are more popular because they have large storage capacity, fast internet access, high portability and user friendly. Number of peoples uses touchscreen mobile phones, tablets, PDA’s for the different purposes such as accessing online data, net banking, storing personal data [bank account details, contact numbers , official data etc] . If such mobile is lost or stolen then it can be misuse by other peoples and also there is problem for recovering such the data. Hence providing security for such Smartphone devices, we are survey the techniques which provide security to the Smartphone devices. In this paper we are going to do survey the continuous mobile authentication process and techniques which are used for mobile authentication. We survey FAST (Finger gestures Authentication System using Touchscreen) technique for touchscreen mobile device authentication. KeywordsHand-held device, touch-screen Device, user authentication, FAST.