Increasing Peer-Tutoring Behaviors in a Third Grade Classroom.

MF01/PC01 Plus Postiage. -*Behavior Patterns: .ClassrooM Research: Elementary Educatibn: 'Elementary School Students: Grade 3: :Intervention: *Peer Influence: Peer Relationship; NPOsitive Reinforcement: '*Program Tffectiveness: *Prompting: *Skill Development: *Tutoring The use of 6rompt1rg to increaSe peer-tutoring skills in an entire third grade classroom was investigated. A multiple baseline design.was 3sed in establishing three tutoring components: praise corrective feedback, atd re-presentinp the question. Results indicated that all three tutoring behaviors increased after prompting. During the last experimental phaset-when program .1 youngsters were not being prompted, h'igh levels of behaviors were maintained. When proaram children were_compared to Vcontrol youngsters, the children Involved. in the intervention earned . significantly higher postpoint grades in spelling, mathematics, and reading. (Author)