Characterization of strongly-bent HAPG crystals for von-Hámos x-ray spectrographs

The properties of two strongly bent Highly Annealed Pyrolytic Graphite (HAPG) crystals with different thicknesses of 40 μm and 100 μm are studied at all possible reflection orders using x-rays at 4.5 keV and 8 keV photon energies. Typical reflecting areas within 50% reflectivity drop boundaries have sizes of about ≤ 1 mm. These domains are mis-oriented by ≤ 1 minutes of arc to each other. The mosaicity was measured to be ~ 0.06° on a 1 × 1 mm2 scale, whereas it amounts to ~ 0.14° when the probed area becomes > 2 × 1 mm2. We find that the integrated reflectivity of the reflection (004) is in good agreement with the kinematical diffraction theory, while a maximum value of 2.3 mrad is achieved for 8 keV and reflection (002). The highest spectral resolution is obtained with an x-ray source of ≤ 50 μm size and a 40 μm thin graphite coating, which amounts to E/ΔE ≥ 1000 for 4.5 keV and 8 keV. In the case of 8 keV and reflection (008), the resolving power exceeds E/ΔE = 2000. In von-Hamos geometry, it was found that > 60% of the reflected photons are confined in a central 500 μm wide profile where high spectral resolution is pertained. Ray tracing simulations reveal that in order to pertain a certain resolution, a larger mosaicity would result in less contributing photons. Thus the efficiency of the crystal drops significantly when the mosaicity is increased and could not be increased by large crystal opening angles.

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