snp.plotter: an R-based SNP/haplotype association and linkage disequilibrium plotting package

UNLABELLED snp.plotter is a newly developed R package which produces high-quality plots of results from genetic association studies. The main features of the package include options to display a linkage disequilibrium (LD) plot below the P-value plot using either the r2 or D' LD metric, to set the X-axis to equal spacing or to use the physical map of markers, and to specify plot labels, colors, symbols and LD heatmap color scheme. snp.plotter can plot single SNP and/or haplotype data and simultaneously plot multiple sets of results. R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics available for most platforms. The proposed package provides a simple way to convey both association and LD information in a single appealing graphic for genetic association studies. AVAILABILITY Downloadable R package and example datasets are available at and