Evolution of Models and Algorithms for Calculating the Parameters of Technological Processes to Obtain Materials for Micro- and Nanoelectronics

The results of creating a system of models and algorithms for calculating the parameters of technological processes for obtaining materials of micro- and nanoelectronics and designing equipment are considered. It is shown that the distinctive feature of the teaching methods for special technological courses in electronic engineering materials is the construction of courses by analogy with the technological processes for obtaining materials for electronics: from a bulk single crystal to instrumental structures, whose dimensions do not currently exceed several tens of nanometers. A scientific model approach to the solution of technological problems was formed in the study of heat and mass transfer processes, which together with the processes of interaction in liquids and gas, taking heterogeneous reactions into account, are the theoretical basis of the technology of electronic engineering materials. The possibilities of physical and mathematical modeling are compared. Approaches to create mathematical models of the growth processes of single crystals of semiconductors, epitaxial layers, and heterostructures are considered and the possibilities of their practical use are determined. It is determined that the ideas proposed by V.V. Krapukhin at the initial stages of training specialists in the field of the technology of electronic material and developed by his students identified the possibility of training several generations of qualified specialists.