Very Low-Cost Nutritious Diet Plans Designed by Linear Programming.
Abstract The USDA Thrifty Food Plan provides for low-cost nutritious diets within the constraint that the assortment of foods represents little change from average food consumption patterns of households with low incomes. However, the cost of the plan may be greater than some households are willing or able to allocate to food. Linear programming is used to devise a food plan that is as nutritious as the Thrifty Food Plan, but substantially lower in cost. In order to reduce cost without sacrificing nutritional value, the program does not restrict the solution to close agreement with usual eating patterns. The result appears as a monthly food plan for a household similar to the \ld4-person household\rd in the USDA food plans. The food plan provides powdered milk as the only dairy product; relies heavily on dried beans and peas, cereals, bread, and potatoes; virtually excludes meat other than chicken, hamburger, and beef chuck; and in general offers only limited variety and very few convenience items. However, the plan meets the same nutrient standards as does the Thrifty Food Plan at 60% of the cost. Thus, this procedure devises a dietary guide for consumers willing to change eating patterns in order to minimize food costs without sacrificing nutritional quality.
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