Maximum respiratory pressure measuring system: calibration and evaluation of uncertainty

The objective of this paper is to present a methodology for the evaluation of uncertainties in the measurements results obtained during the calibration of a digital manovacuometer prototype (DM) with a load cell sensor pressure device incorporated. Calibration curves were obtained for both pressure sensors of the DM using linear regression by weighted least squares method (WLS). Two models were built to evaluate uncertainty. One takes into account the information listed in the sensor datasheet, resulting in the maximum permissible measurement error of the manovacuometer, and the other on the WLS implemented during calibration. Considering a range of ten calibration points, it was found that calibration procedure designed using WLS modeling indicates that the range of measurement uncertainty extends from 0.2 up to 0.5 kPa. This is inside the manufacter range that extends from 1.5 up 3.5 kPa, showing adequacy for use.