ABSTRACT Current research in Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) shows improvements in performance for a wide variety of information retrieval systems. We propose the development of a theoretical foundation for understanding the values produced in the reduced form of the term-term matrix. We assert that LSI’s use of higher orders of co -occurrence is a critical component of this study. In this work we present experiments that precisely determine the degree of co -occurrence used in LSI. We empirically demonstrate that LSI uses up to fifth order term co-occurrence. We also prove mathematically that a connectivity path exists for every nonzero element in the truncated term-term matrix computed by LSI. A complete understanding of this term transitivity is key to understanding LSI. 1. INTRODUCTION The use of co-occurrence information in textual data has led to improvements in performance when applied to a variety of applications in information retrieval, computational linguistics and textual data mining. Furthermore, many researchers in these fields have developed techniques that explicitly employ second and third order term co-occurrence. Examples include applications such as literature search [14], word sense disambiguation [12], ranking of relevant documents [15], and word selection [8]. Other authors have developed algorithms that implicitly rely on the use of term co-occurrence for applications such as search and retrieval [5], trend detection [14], and stemming [17]. In what follows we refer to various degrees of term transitivity as orders of co-occurrence – first order if two terms co-occur, second order if two terms are linked only by a third, etc. An example of second order co -occurrence follows . Assume that a collection has one document that contains the terms
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