The Prediction of Academic Success in a Police Administration Curriculum
Problem. THE purpose of this study was to derive a multiple regression equation to be used in predicting first term grade-pointaverages (hereafter designated as GPA) for a sample of freshmen majoring in Police Administration at Michigan State University. A secondary part of the study was making of summary profiles for the eight tests (to be mentioned later) presently used in the Police Administration test battery. Description of predictor variables. Eight tests having 37 sub-test scales were used: (1) Michigan State University (MSU) Reading test, a 45 minute timed test with 42 items; (2) MSU English test, 40 minutes, 35 items; (3) MSU Arithmetic test, 35 minutes, 40 items; (4) American Council on Education test for college freshmen ; (5) Thurstone Temperament Schedule; (6) Kuder Preference Record; (7) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory; (8) California Mental Maturity test. Tests four through eight were administered according to the instructions in their manuals. Samples. Test scores were available on 375 male students who