Ocean surface topography data products and tools
The Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archiving Center (PO.DAAC), NASA's primary data center for archiving and distributing oceanographic data, is supporting the Jason and TOPEX/Poseidon satellite tandem missions by providing a variety of data products, tools, and distribution methods to the wider scientific and general community. PO.DAAC has developed several new data products for sea level residual measurements, providing a long-term climate data record from 1992 to the present. These products provide compatible measurements of sea level residuals for the entire time series including the tandem TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason mission. Several data distribution tools are available from NASA PO.DAAC. The Near-Real-Time Image Distribution Server (NEREIDS) provides quick-look browse images and binary data files. The PO.DAAC Ocean ESIP Tool (POET) provides interactive, on-line data subsetting and visualization for several altimetry data products.
[1] Bruce J. Haines,et al. Jason-1 Geophysical Performance Evaluation Special Issue: Jason-1 Calibration/Validation , 2003 .
[2] Bruce J. Haines,et al. The Jason-1 Mission Special Issue: Jason-1 Calibration/Validation , 2003 .
[3] Bruce J. Haines,et al. Near-Real–Time GPS-Based Orbit Determination and Sea Surface Height Observations from the Jason-1 Mission Special Issue: Jason-1 Calibration/Validation , 2003 .
[4] S. Desai,et al. Jason-1 : Geophysical Performance Evaluation , 2002 .