Digital Libraries are key infrastructure for document management. Until now, these documents have included multimedia objects such video, images, text, sounds. In this paper, we focus on enhanced sensorial media content management in Digital Library. Enhanced sensorial media content combines the sense of touch with other media. All mulsemedia content management requires new methods, starting from the source through storage to delivery. Digital libraries have to use all modern technologies in order to supply services of a high quality. As these efforts mature, the research emphasis is shifting from issues surrounding the development of digital library infrastructure and collections to understanding the impact of mulsemedia collections and services to users and related communities. The major consequence is that digital libraries are more and more built as enterprise knowledge ecosystem. In this paper we review the development in the field and points out the challenges of digital library for mulsemedia content management.
M. Ruffolo,et al.
A Semantic Framework for Enterprise Knowledge Management
Karon E. MacLean,et al.
Seeing, hearing, and touching: putting it all together
Björn Hartmann,et al.
Augmenting interactive tables with mice & keyboards
UIST '09.
Kim H. Veltman.
Understanding New Media: Augmented Knowledge And Culture
Shigeo Sugimoto,et al.
Dublin Core Metadata Element Set
Richard Chbeir,et al.
Guest Editors' Introduction: Multimedia Metadata and Semantic Management
IEEE Multim..
Fernando Pereira,et al.
MPEG-7 the generic multimedia content description standard, part 1 - Multimedia, IEEE