EnglishThe crime of corruption is perpetrated all over the world with social and economic consequences that affect fundamental values of democracy, citizenship, trust and social equality. The growing importance of this matter at the global level has led to the emergence of a transnational legal regime directed at the prevention and repression of corruption. Portugal has also adopted many new legislative and administrative measures directed at that same aim. The Council for the Prevention of Corruption (CPC) has recommended that all entities managing public funds adopt a Plan for the Management of The Risk of Corruption and Connected Infractions (PGRCIC).In light of the importance of the matter and the lack of academic literature on the recent measures directed at the prevention of corruption in Portugal, this article aims to view the prevention and repression of corruption from an inter-disciplinary perspective. The article begins with the theoretical framing of the phenomenon of corruption, as well as its situation in Portugal, followed by the presentation of the measures on the prevention of corruption proposed by academic literature and those implemented in Portugal. The article shall conclude with a reference to the CPC and the PGRCIC. It is especially important to evaluate the results of the legislative and administrative efforts put in place over the years, which means that this article is relevant for academics and professionals of the public sector, as well as legislators. portuguesO crime da corrupcao, perpetrado por todo o mundo, provoca consequencias economicas e sociais nefastas, depauperando valores tao importantes como a democracia, cidadania, confianca e igualdade social. A relevância deste fenomeno tem conduzido a um enfoque, a escala global, na prevencao e repressao da corrupcao. Nesta perspetiva, Portugal tem vindo a encetar um conjunto de medidas preventivas da corrupcao, das quais se destacam a atualizacao do quadro normativo, mas, especialmente, a criacao do Conselho de Prevencao da Corrupcao (CPC), que veio recomendar a elaboracao de Planos de Gestao de Risco de Corrupcao e Infracoes Conexas (PGRCIC) para todas as entidades gestoras de dinheiros publicos.Dada a importância desta tematica e a inexistencia de literatura academica sobre as recentes medidas de prevencao da corrupcao encetadas em Portugal, por forca da criacao do CPC, este artigo visa abordar, numa perspetiva teorica, a tematica da corrupcao, efetuando, para o efeito, um breve enquadramento da mesma e aflorando, de seguida, a situacao da corrupcao em Portugal. Posteriormente, serao apresentadas as medidas de prevencao da corrupcao propostas na literatura academica, mas adaptadas ao caso portugues. O artigo terminara com uma exposicao sobre o CPC e os PGRCIC. E especialmente importante avaliar os resultados dos esforcos legislativos e administrativos de prevencao de corrupcao, pelo que este artigo apresenta-se relevante para academicos e profissionais do setor publico, bem como para legisladores.